
Saturday, April 23, 2011

more Fatty 2kg!

do you know..? almost full of 1week [17-23 April 2011], i had full schedule for eat!! n its make me more fatty.. huaaaa~
my weight was +2kg.. huaaaa~~ it's too hard too make me slim.. but too easy to make me more fatty.. T.T
now.. let me show u some foods which I ate for 1 week..

18 April 2011.. at DINE n CHAT
hoey.. hoey.. @Apr,18 I ate at D.C in the night day.. but I just took 2pics of meals.. chicken cordon blue n lasagna.. XD
Chicken Cordon Blue..

19 April 2011
Lo Mie..
Sapo Kwetiau Tomyam Nanda [U MUST TRY IT!!] 

20 April 2011.. at PONDOK KELAPO
hoey.. hoey.. today is time to eat seafood.. we went to Pondok Kelapo Restaurant.. 
this is the menu book
n our selected menu are ......
daraaaaaa...!!!~~~ sluurrrpp.. it's look so delicious!!
we just ordered 5 menu..
kepiting saos padang..
cumi goreng tepung
gurami lada hitam
kerang rebus
kangkung tumis telor puyuh
n as usual.. just I n my sist always took some pics.. hehe..  

 okaay!! we were so full now.. n CU.. ^^

21 April 2011.. at KEIKO
hoey.. hoey.. today we went to Espresso Bar [KEIKO]..
took some pics again n played UNO n REMI CARD.. we got more fun n ate some meals.. slurrp... ;p

Triple Choco Ice Cream 
Banana Split
Tartila Bakar [yummy...]
Hot Coffee Latte
French Fries BBQ n Cheese
this is my youngest lil' bro Kevin
this is my lil' bro Aldi
this is my sist' Yoan [i like this blur pic.. hahahhaa]
this is me..
this is our harmony sist n bro..
 okaay!! now we will go home n get some sleep.. ^^

22 April 2011.. at FRUIT HOUSE n COFFEE TIME
we drank some juices, meals, n fruits in FRUIT HOUSE.. it's so delicious n make me fresh in H.O.T day!!~
eat some strawberries in hot day! do u want some..???~~ xoxo
eat something like that [forget the name] in hot day! makes  me fresh n cool..
this is Rujak..
 delicious strawberry.. sluuuurrp..~~ [although i don't like it too much]..

we also went to COFFEE TIME for get some meals.. n i just took 2pics of drinks.. 
n I forget what the name are..

23 April 2011.. at AKUSTEAK
wohooooo... eat again.. eat again.. n then gain weight!! bzzz....
this time, I went to akusteak with Tebe, Nana, n Yanti, after we had Mandarin Lesson.. xoxo..
Spaghetti ......... [forget what its name]
Spaghetti ....... [forget what its name]
Sandwich ......... [forget what its name]
 okaaayy!!!! it's time for me to take some diet recipes!!!! CAN I..??!
yes, i can.. but it depends on my intentions.. mmmm~~
I LOVE EAT soo much!!!! n it's hard to control my behavior.. T.T
but, thanks for looking!! ^^


  1. Makin jibenk kau...! hahaha..

  2. bukakaaa.. kejaam u de!!! hahaha..
    tp mau gimanalaa.. hahahah..

  3. makan trs sih.. hahaha.. tp gpp la.. makin jibenk makin lucu koq.. hahaha.. kayak bola tar.. :)

  4. matiilaa.. gakda yang mau tar.. hahahaha..

  5. Hazelnut espresso klo ga salah nama kopinya Viz.. @_@

    Klo yg di Fruit House nama es nya Fruit Soup klo dak salah.. @_@

    Mantap Vi poto2 nyo.. ^_*
